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Terms of Reference for Developing a Communication Strategy for IDIWA

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Integrated Disabled Women Activities-IDIWA is a voluntary, not for profit non-governmental organization established in 2000 purposely to empower Women, People with Disabilities and other vulnerable groups to maximize their potential and improve their standard of living through Economic Empowerment and Livelihoods, Human Rights and Good Governance, Community Based Rehabilitation, Health and reproductive rights, and Education. IDIWA visualizes an inclusive society in which human rights, citizenship and potential of Women, People with Disabilities, and other vulnerable groups are respected.

Strategic Communication is key to achieving the above aspirations whereby communication becomes a tool for an organization to reach its current or future goals. Communication is central to what IDIWA targets to achieve and accomplish. For an organization such as IDIWA, whose primary objectives remain largely interconnected with the progress of people it works with (Women and People with disabilities), visibility of its programs and initiatives remain fundamental to meeting the organization’s objectives and for further resource mobilization. The public perception and trust towards IDIWA and its programmes, rest upon how well a strategic communication plan is designed and implemented.

Therefore, with the above background IDIWA is seeking the services of an experienced communication expert to lead the process of designing its communication strategy.

IDIWA is an equal opportunity employer, and does not discriminate anybody on any grounds including disability or HIV status.

For details check on the link below

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