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Embedding Inclusion: Practical Insights for Disability-Inclusive Development Cooperation

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Inclusion is a right and a shared obligation. At IDIWA, we champion the idea that true inclusion must be embedded at every stage of development cooperation. With 16% of the global population comprising persons with disabilities, including women and girls with disabilities (WGDs), inclusive development is not optional—it’s essential.

Inclusive Planning: Engaging WGDs and their representatives from the start to ensure their voices shape priorities and solutions.
Partnering with Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs): Building collaborations that amplify advocacy and action.
Inclusive Budgeting and Analysis: Allocating resources to remove barriers and ensure equal participation.
Providing Reasonable Accommodation: Ensuring individuals have the support they need to fully engage.
Accessibility: Embedding universal design principles across all interventions.

💡 Awareness is key. By integrating inclusion from the start, we save time, resources, and strengthen the impact of development efforts. Above all, this ensures we truly #LeaveNoOneBehind.

© 2024 – Integrated Disabled Women Activities (IDIWA)