Access to disability friendly SRH services continues to be a challenge in most Health Facilities in Uganda in general and Kamuli district in particular. This is further worsened by limited data on women and girls with disabilities who seek health services. This is partly because the people who enter data in the HMIS form 105 (OPD Register) do not enter information on disability; secondly the registers at other service centres (MCH, ART and HCT clinics) have no provision for capturing disability data. This does not only negatively affect planning but also limits evidence-based advocacy for inclusive SRH services for Women and Girls with Disabilities.
With support from AmplifyChange, IDIWA engaged with various stakeholders at different levels to address the above challenges. These included the District Health Office, Chief Administrative Officer, Senior Administrative Secretaries, Health Facility in charges, Community Development Officers and the private sector.
This led to commitment by the different duty bearers to work towards making SRH services and information accessible to women and girls with disabilities. As a result, Mbulamuti HC III secured 1 adjustable delivery bed and 2 adjustable beds from KOICA and Kamuli General Hospital constructed an access ramp at the main entrance to the Administration Block. Different sub counties have included a vote for SRH services for Women and Girls with Disabilities in their work plans and budgets.
In addition, IDIWA in collaboration with the Health Facilities developed and disseminated a customized data collection tool for capturing women and girls with disabilities accessing sexual and reproductive health services and information and health workers have been oriented on the use of this tool. IDIWA believes that tool will go a long way in generating data on the number of Women and Girls accessing different health services including SRH that will guide planning at different levels.
The Medical Superintendent of Kamuli General Hospital, Dr. Atuma Zaidi commended IDIWA for the good work of advocating for the rights of marginalized people especially Women and Girls with Disabilities in Kamuli. He committed to prioritizing WGDs issues in SRH service delivery. IDIWA is grateful to Kamuli District Local Government for cordial working relationship that enabled realization of the above results. We remain committed to empowering vulnerable groups to maximize their potential.